Why is January Known as Divorce Month?

Joe Cerino Law

January has acquired an unfortunate reputation as the month of separation. Many experts blame the holidays since they are the most wonderful, and yet, most stressful time of the year. Couples considering divorce often wait until after the holidays, especially if children are involved, so they can experience one last holiday season as a family. No matter the reason (taxes, new year’s resolutions, or coming back to reality after the merriment of the holidays) getting divorced is a huge, life-changing decision. While it’s not the most fantastic way to start the new year, here are some tips for a smooth transition into a new normal for 2023.

Fighting is not worth it, especially when children and family are involved. While divorce can bring out the worst in people, it’s important to stay focused and calm. Your time and energy are better spent working toward solutions and a resolution rather than playing the blame game and pointing fingers at each other. Emotions are high, and it’s important to put your children and your own happiness first if separation is getting the best of your ex-partner.

Review and make copies of important documents early on. This includes medical records, estate planning, deeds, birth certificates, passports, and any other life documents you may need in the future. As a divorce progresses, these documents occasionally go missing due to revengeful ex-partners. January is also a good time to review beneficiaries named in wills, insurance policies, and retirement accounts.

Seek therapy not only for you but for your children and future partner. Divorce can create lasting emotional impacts, and it’s best to discuss them with a professional. Going to therapy with your spouse before the divorce is finalized may not save the marriage, but it can help to resolve any lingering resentment or issues that may or may not have been previously discussed.

Don’t try to do it alone. You will need all the support you can get. This includes not only from family and friends but a lawyer as well. Do not try to get a divorce without legal advice. Divorce paperwork is tricky, and once it’s submitted it’s difficult to make changes which will cost you extra time and money. 

The decision to end your marriage is difficult any time of year. As couples go through separation and begin the process, they may find that they disagree about many aspects of the divorce settlement, which can make it even more challenging. If you or a loved one is looking for a compassionate and honest lawyer to assist with the separation process, call the Office of Joseph Cerino at (239) 561-2820.

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Written by Cerinolaw

The law office of Joseph Cerino handles all matters of litigation, concentrating in family law including divorce, custody, child support, paternity, alimony, property division and domestic violence, as well as, criminal defense and appeals in Southwest Florida.

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