During the holiday season, more people tend to be out eating, drinking and being merry, which increases the odds of getting arrested for a DUI. Here are some tips on how to avoid a DUI and other drunk driving consequences:
- Don’t drink and drive
- You know this stuff: Do not drink. Have a designated driver – Take advantage of other transportation services such as Uber, Lyft or a taxi. Simple, right?
- Know your state’s laws
- DUI laws vary from state to state but all have a legal blood alcohol content (BAC) limit under which you are permitted to drive. If you know you will around alcohol and may possibly end up driving, brush up on your state’s laws to make sure you are operating within them. Better yet, refer to Number One.
- Make sure you’re under the legal limit
- As noted above, state DUI laws vary. In some states, you can be arrested for a DUI even with a BAC under the legal limit. There are ways to help keep your BAC down such as eating while drinking, paying attention to how many drinks you have had and stop alcohol consumption for a period of time. Also, refer to Number One.
- Behave Yourself
- Be polite and cooperative with the police offer if you do get pulled over. Comply with their requests such as retrieving your driver’s license, registration and performing sobriety tests. Did you forget to refer to Number One?
- Drive Safely
- All of your attention should always be on the road. Do not text, talk on the phone, try to beat the yellow light or roll through a stop sign. That goes whether you’re stone cold sober or a little buzzed. But we trust you’ll remember Number One.
- Don’t drink and drive
Did you notice a theme with this blog post? We want you to look out for Number One. That means above all else to keep yourself and others safe. That’s the smart thing to do. But even smart people get in trouble sometimes. When that happens we’re here for you!
Source: LegalZoom