3 Mistakes to Avoid During a Child Custody Battle

Joe Cerino Law

Emotions can run high for any parent in the middle of a child custody battle. The pressure is even higher when the custody battle is accompanied by divorce. Income and previous parental responsibility are not the only factors the courts consider when they decide which parent gets custody — many other factors exist. Legal infractions and other questionable conduct can negatively affect a parent’s chances of being awarded custody.

Below are actions not to take during your child custody battle:

Failing to Obey Court Orders

Many child custody battles occur along with divorce filings. As a result, the courts may issue temporary orders until both disputes may be resolved at trial. An interim child custody order can determine parental rights, the way the child’s time will be split between the parents, and more. While temporary, these orders are legally enforceable, and a parent who disobeys temporary child custody orders may render a court violation. These violations can impact the judge’s final decision on whom should be awarded custody.

Venting on Social Media

Very few things posted online are actually private. Once you post any personal information on a social media platform, it can be accessed by anyone, including your former spouse’s attorney, who may copy or reproduce the information as evidence. Going to social media to denigrate your spouse, make threats, or otherwise use poor judgment can come back to hurt you. Refrain from bringing your custody battle into the social media limelight and remember that emails, text messages and social media posts can be used as evidence against you in court.

Refusing to Cooperate or Communicate with the Other Party

You may be in a child custody battle, but that doesn’t mean you’re allowed to alienate the other party. This is especially true if the interim child custody order includes splitting the child’s time between the parents or other arrangements where parties must be present and communicate. If you refuse to play nice, the courts may view you as delinquent and could even attempt to restrict you from having further parental decision-making powers. Even if you don’t agree with the child custody arrangements, wait for the issue to go to trial and consult with your lawyer.

Child custody battles are stressful, but the Law Office of Joseph Cerino is here to help make the process easier on you and your children.

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Written by Cerinolaw

The law office of Joseph Cerino handles all matters of litigation, concentrating in family law including divorce, custody, child support, paternity, alimony, property division and domestic violence, as well as, criminal defense and appeals in Southwest Florida.

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