The Dangers of Recreational Vehicle DUIs

Joe Cerino Law

Driving under the influence is explained as driving, operating, or controlling a vehicle while being impaired by alcohol or drugs, that are both recreational and prescribed. Driving impaired or “drinking and driving” while operating vehicles (yes, even lawnmowers and tractors count) can be cause for arrests like DUI, public intoxication, or endangerment. When one says “DUI,” most people assume cars are the culprit. Of course, cars are never safe to drive under the influence, but the vehicles involved in DUIs can take many shapes. Here are some popular recreational vehicles that could cost you if you operate them under the influence.


We’re not just talking about motorcycles, which can be especially dangerous while driving under the influence. Did you know that you can also get a DUI on traditional bicycles? In all states, it is illegal to ride a bicycle under the influence. There’s no doubt that riding bikes are a fun summer activity to get exercise and enjoy the warm weather, but if you stop for a picnic, you may want to sip on an alcohol-free mocktail. Even if the police don’t charge for a DUI, they have the responsibility to detain the offender for public intoxication or endangerment. It is better to be safe than sorry when it comes to biking under the influence.


ATVs make for a fantastic summer activity. While whipping through the grass with a warm breeze blowing, you might think, “A cold beer would complete this day.” You may want to think again, as drinking while driving ATVs is a big cause for concern. Four-wheelers are dangerous and difficult to control on their own, and drinking alcoholic beverages only increase that threat. ATV rollovers can be fatal, and response time is extremely important in these situations. Be safe and skip the alcoholic beverages when controlling these vehicles.


It seems like boating and drinking go hand in hand on a warm sunny day. Especially in Florida, day drinking on boats is an extremely popular activity. When operating a boat, the same rules apply to operating vehicles on land. Always be sure to have a designated driver and do not drive if you are impaired. The boating blood alcohol content (BAC) limit of an intoxicated person is 0.08 percent – the same amount for driving a car. This is only about two drinks, depending on the weight, size, and gender of the person. Be cautious with the dangerous combo of day drinking and boating. It is always more important to get you and your passengers home safe.


While you might consider your RV “home” some months out of the year, it is important to remember the laws against driving under the influence. It’s not surprising to learn that it is illegal to drink alcohol while the vehicle is moving, but it may come as a surprise that you also cannot drink alcohol when parked on public property. So, if you are parked outside of your home or a campground, depending on specific campground rules, feel free to have a glass (or two) of wine as long as you are not going anywhere. If you are parked on the street or in a parking lot, we recommend you stay dry, or you could get a DUI.

More recreational DUIs are reported during the summer months, especially when it comes to day drinking and boating, which seem to be a typical weekend here in Florida. It’s always best to have a designated driver and to know the law. If you or someone you know has been caught operating any type of vehicle under the influence, we are here to help. For a lawyer who understands, listens, and has years of experience, call the Law Offices of Joseph Cerino at 239.561.2820.

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Written by Cerinolaw

The law office of Joseph Cerino handles all matters of litigation, concentrating in family law including divorce, custody, child support, paternity, alimony, property division and domestic violence, as well as, criminal defense and appeals in Southwest Florida.

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