How a family law attorney can help during the coronavirus pandemic

Joe Cerino Law

Dealing with a family law issue, whether it be divorce, child custody, or child support, is not usually easy and it undoubtedly becomes even more difficult in the face of a pandemic that has abruptly changed life as we know it. If you or someone you know is dealing with family law related matters and is seeking legal representation, here’s how a family law attorney can still advocate on your behalf during the coronavirus pandemic:

Child Support and Alimony

With the number of layoffs, furloughs, business closing, and investment losses, many families are feeling the trickle-down economic pain of the coronavirus pandemic. If a parent cannot keep paying child support or alimony due to financial pressures caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, they should not simply stop paying and assume that payments will be waived. Failing to pay child support or alimony can lead to severe repercussions.

If you or your spouse are struggling to pay child support or alimony due to the coronavirus, a family law attorney can help you file a petition for a modification with detailed information regarding any coronavirus-related reasons impacting your ability to pay.

Child Custody Agreements

Following a divorce or the end of a relationship, the parents of a child typically share custody of the child. In most cases, each parent will spend some time with the child as provided by a fixed schedule. During the COVID-19 outbreak, though, parents may be concerned about whether they should continue to comply with a custody arrangement if it conflicts with a shelter-in-place order that applies to their area. Shelter-in-place orders do not directly override child custody orders. Failing to comply with a child custody order can result in harsh outcomes, such as a finding of contempt and a reduction of parenting time. However, parents are free to agree on a temporary modification to parenting time.

If you’re looking to temporarily modify your child custody or parenting time order during the pandemic, a family law attorney can help by issuing a temporary modification order to accommodate your needs during this stressful time.

If you’re involved in matters of family law, don’t wait to get the representation you need to ensure that your rights and interests are being protected. Contact the Law Office of Joseph Cerino today. We are available by telephone or we can schedule a virtual meeting. JC Law is here for you in your time of need.

Picture of Written by Cerinolaw

Written by Cerinolaw

The law office of Joseph Cerino handles all matters of litigation, concentrating in family law including divorce, custody, child support, paternity, alimony, property division and domestic violence, as well as, criminal defense and appeals in Southwest Florida.

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